Mat-Su Birders

A club in Alaska's beautiful Matanuska-Susitna Valley devoted to watching wild birds

Gunsight Mountain Hawk Watch

Woo Hoo!        Join us April 20, 2025!  Hawk Watch Party and Potluck

The Gunsight Mountain Hawk Watch 
The Harlan’s Hawk Capitol of the World!
Mile 118 Glenn Highway, Sheep Mountain, Alaska

For reading and reference check out the journal article on Golden Eagles based on data collected at the Gunsight Mt area.:

There is also a Facebook Group you can follow for updates and communication called  “Friends of Gunsight Mountain Hawkwatch.”

See the 2024 count statistics  here.

Anyone can head up to Sheep Mountain anytime to observe and count.

Sheep Mountain Lodge is open.  (restaurant is not open till May. Call them for details)

WHERE: at the pull-off at MP 118.8 Glenn Highway.  Also sometimes use pull-offs between MP 118 and 122 and MP 128.

WHAT to bring: Get out the sun screen, binoculars, chairs, parkas and some food!  Potluck on Sunday. Bring something to grill and a side dish to share.

LEARN TO IDENTIFY MIGRATING RAPTORS Falcons, Buteos, Accipiters, Eagles, Harriers - maybe even an owl or two!
Falcons, Buteos, Accipiters, Eagles, Harriers – maybe even an owl or two!
Everyone wants to join the party!
Everyone wants to join the party!
Enjoy a well deserved Saturday buffet....
Enjoy a well deserved Saturday dinner….
Everyone gets into the act - shouldn’t you too?
Everyone gets into the act – shouldn’t you too?